
Neko means 'cat' in Japanese, which I somehow learned. Yes I do have a strange obsession with cats and japanese culture, don't nag me about it. Please go to the footer and play the song there. I'm sure you'll enjoy it

Saturday, November 04, 2006

(if you couldn't guess who the last kitty was, it was Rei Kon from beyblade. Here's a new cat, and this one should be easier to identify)
What Makes YOU so Special?
please don't kill me, it's my next question

Could researchers have accomplished this project 100 years ago? 50? 25?
Why is the timing of the Genographic Project important?
How important are the indigenous groups to the project?

Some Technology needed for the Genographic project are things that reads peoples DNA, or perhaps some type of lie detector (do those things really exist? O.o) so when people are interviewed, they will tell the truth about their origins. Maybe they could use satellite images of earth to map out and trace peoples origins. There are some CG programs to produce how the world looked like up to say..... the medevil times. I strongly doubt this project could have been done 50-100 years ago. The reason for this is because we lacked the technology and knowledge to do this. The only way to have done this was by keeping a record of the family tree. Even then, the ink=pencil fades away or could have been lost in a fire (most likely XD from most of the historic feild trips i've been to).

I doubt that the researchers could have completed this task years ago, we hardly had the technology for it. Even if we did, then I would be too expensive to fund.

(I told you people i had an obsession with anime and cats. Points awarded if you can guess who this is)
Journal number three
(man i should put the title of the question here huh?)
again question is found here
  1. War video games? Wow I always thought that was a myth *sweatdrop*. Don't give me that look i'm not into video games. Yes i am aware i have mentioned not having a play stiation two in my last post and my reason for that is.....I wanted to use it as a DVD player, NOT for those games. Back to the point.....WOW war video games. In my opinion it's because of the male half of the population, no offence boys. Boys are in a way...violent, and enjoy watching/playing violent and destructive things. (they scare me O.o alight might i add. If you boys out there are offendedstop reading this post and move onto the next blog. If you are planning to strangle me *sticks out tounge* you don't know me. ahhh the wonders of technology) guys are the only people who can watch scary movies and laugh at the gory parts. media portrays them as people who like to watch a fight. I guess that's why it is soo appealing. don't get me wrong, girls could fight too, but it's more of the slapping variety
  2. video games are what i just called If people are influenced to do these thing if real life, then i don't think the retail stores should sell them. Games are fun to play, so they shouldn't look horrible. If i were to play these war games of wich you speak of, then i really shouldn't see something like green blood or my enimies flying through a wall. The way i see it, games are like an escape, everyone needs them.For me it's my anime fanficts, books or drawings. Others might be a really good movie or an interesting hobby. if the images in the videogame are cheesy and fake, it shatters our illusion. I believe this is just for fun (my brother says it should be real because he can't do these thing in real life)
  3. ......i don't know. I don't hate them, but then again i am not jumping for joy about it. i mean come on , a few minutes ago i thought it was a myth. I just want to leave it at that
(you didn't think I'd have a cat blog without a pic of a cat do you?)

Well here is my next journal entry
here is the question
Before I answer the first question, let me point out that not everyone in the school has an ipod (me being one of them lol). Sometimes it is easier for me to break up the lectures into very short speeches. I hate being cramped into a classroom and read, I prefer to take a walk and listen to these lectures. Using and ipod when i'm bored and have spare time would help greatly (if i had an ipod mind you) I'm a completely random person, and i really don't stay organized for long. so to answer ms huebner's question, then yes I do believe I can learn very well with an ipod! (you know what i'm about to point out here so i won't bother)

(wow i just realized I had to answer two questions and i had to go bach and do some editing *sweatdrops*. and if you don't get the sweatdrop comment, you don't watch enough anime)

Yes i think mary ward should start this program, i support it 100% (the perfect excuse to beg my parents for an ipod muahahahaha. My dad's wallet must suffer.....) um you didn't hear that little outburst. This is the modern world, we may do some ignorant things like polluting to make the ipod and other technology (a playstation2 is another think i don't have....for those of you who don't know me, you probably think i'm a selfish brat right now huh? It doesn't really matter since i don't know you, or how you look like. I might not even know your name. see? it doesn't affect me xD) but we still embrace it and live in a densely populated city filled with smog AND technology. Why shouldn't we use an ipod in the classroom? Before it used to be a distraction from learning, and our teachers had to threaten us with a phone call home to get us to put it away. (cell phones apply here to, but the topic is about ipods and not cell phones- which i do have *does victory dance*). If we do run this program, then ipods would have a purpose in the school. (then i can tell someone to buy it for me)
a disadvantage is the fact that ipods are expensive and not everyone has them (me being one of them. you must be tired of reading my constant complaints about this aren't you?) even if the school provided an ipod to each student (becoming the best school in the world if it did) there would be a problem with that itself. It would tempt some of the students (*mock gasp* not me though) to steal the ipods and sell it for some extra cash. (you know once someone went threw my bag and stole my pencil case. Laugh it up if you will, but for someone who takes art, it means they will be behind in their work). No one will attend classes anymore (school become useless because everyone is learning from an ipod).Ne because i am soo lazy today (and there are like three more for me to answer) i shall let you go.....for now muahahahahaha *chokes on retainer* cough cough....ouch